
How to Enable/Disable?

To activate the app, choose Enable Availability; to deactivate, select Disable Availability.

To see immediate results clearing your server cache is require. How to clear cache?

How to setup options?

  1. Go to Products > Product List

  2. Locate and select the desired product by clicking on its respective ID or Name (you can also look to the far right of the product and click its "Action ->Edit" button.)

  3. Navigate to the product's Options Tab and configure your desired product options.

You can also visit here for more directions.

Please note the option types must be Dropdown, Radio, Swatches or Drop Image

Once product options are configured, proceed to set up the Advanced Options settings.

  1. Next, direct your attention to the top right of the options page and click on the Actions dropdown button.

  2. Then click the Advanced Options

You can also visit here for more directions.

At this stage, product options with a stock greater than 0 will display as available, while those with no stock will show as out of stock.

Last updated